How do we develop sustainability through our career paths?  Often we are reinforcing unsustainable practices without knowing it.  Together we explore the roots of un-sustainability and how we transition to a sustainable future.  The dominant mechanistic worldview and various myths of nature that influence how we respond in the world are explored; and how ecological principles and metaphors can be used to develop sustainability perspectives and practices that incorporate effective management, leadership, and evaluation. This is appropriate for professionals across all sectors in the workplace.


Using ecological principles and metaphors to develop effective sustainability communication for  professionals across all sectors in the workplace.


This keynote address and/or workshop is for administrators at the school, district and Ministerial levels.  Administrators are uniquely positioned to inspire and enable transformational education that helps teachers foster children’s natural love of learning and creativity, inspiring innovative solutions for the challenges of an interconnected world.


Consulting and course development on educational systems design based on ecological principals for educational administration and leadership.

Developing Ecological Consciousness and Sustainability through Curriculum Design

This practical workshop will provide a dynamic framework for redesigning curricula and developing units to enable systems thinking, ecological consciousness and sustainability. 

Teachers and curriculum providers are often faced with how they can incorporate sustainability education or environmental education into their teaching in the face of limited time and the demands of required curricula, structured along discipline boundaries.  This workshop will introduce a very simple curriculum development framework that can be used for any topic to develop interdisciplinary units based on ecological principles.  As these principles are imbedded in the development structure of the learning, developing ecological consciousness and systems thinking becomes the vehicle for learning.

This framework has been designed for educators (both formal and non-formal) to develop curriculum with their students or colleagues as a basis for inquiry, place-based learning.  The session will engage participants in using the framework to develop unit outlines that can be taken back to their schools, classes or workplace.  Having used the framework in the session it will be easy to develop a systems educational approach and integrate sustainability education as a design framework for any topic they teach.

Once participants have experience in designing sustainability education curricula we’ll open the discussion to explore how we can overcome potential barriers to support implementation.

An Ecological Framework for Curriculum Evaluation

This workshop will help teachers and administrators develop effective evaluation techniques for sustainability education.  Sample units and interactive lessons will ground this workshop in meaningful examples.